Typically when time permits toward the end of a Math Clinic tutoring session, we glance ahead to the next topic the student will be studying. Surprisingly, in the short amount of time remaining the student can be given an overview of what to expect and have the most important main points established. Simply, a reassuring preview. An emphasis is placed on assuring the student that the next topic is but an extension of what they already know and immediately establish a level self-confidence specific to the next topic.
This gives the student an incredible advantage when that topic is then introduced in class. With an essential understanding already in place, first-time instruction by the classroom teacher is better understood and more meaningful. The student is more relaxed and receptive as they already know where it is all heading.
When learning anything new after the first-time instruction, we all have a few gaps to fill in to reach a full understanding and mastery of the topic. When a student has had a preview, this first-time instruction serves to immediately begin filling the gaps rather than creating them.
The first-time instruction is actually then serving as a review of what they already essentially understand.
With a better understanding ahead of the instruction, note-taking and annotation is more efficient and meaningful. The student will have dramatically more success with homework. Homework and assignments will then be more meaningful and beneficial. Assignments will serve more as re-enforcement and practice ahead of tests rather than an arduous and inefficient mechanism to fill in gaps in their understanding. Homework is then less frustrating and serves more to build the student’s self-confidence.
Being able to efficiently introduce and de-mystify a topic to its most concise form is the hallmark of my tutoring. This is the key to taking the latter part of a tutoring session and leveraging the session into an incredible benefit to the student in the days ahead. A Math Clinic hidden gem in building the self-confidence of a student.